
Healthy Snacks for Kids

The Healthy Snacks for Kids program was developed with the YMCA and DC Health SNAP-Ed. A fixture of the YMCA after school program, this class features simple recipes that kids grades 2-8 can make at home with no heat, and nothing sharper than a butter knife. The curriculum highlights a balanced diet using the USDA MyPlate framework. Each week, classes cover a different food group, and incorporate nutrition information into an engaging, hands-on lesson. Recipes demonstrate simple and affordable ways for parents and kids to make healthy eating fun.

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Care for our community.

Dominique Johnson is a native Washingtonian, and was part of the launch team for Good Food Markets pilot location in 2015. Over that summer, our staff helped to tend to the school garden at Burroughs Elementary.

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Partnerships with our neighbors.

Oasis partnered with the Green Scheme and Rooftop Roots to build an educational growing space at the Langdon Park Community Garden.


Oasis partners with local schools and youth organizations to present the Youth Store & Garden Tour


Oasis provides age appropriate lessons in food systems, practical math, nutrition, and plant science for youth grades K-8. In the grocery store and the community garden, our trained educators provide experiential learning opportunities.


Growing and cooking fresh.

Students have the opportunity to learn about storing, growing and preparing snacks and meals from fresh ingredients. This education reinforces classrooms lessons and positive messages around the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and provides real world skills that support positive choices.